Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trying New Things

The last couple weeks I tried to make apoint of trying something different. One week I bought Fennel which I have seen used on cooking shows but aside from Anise Seeds I have never eaten the bulb! I liked it! I had it cooked, with stew and also raw sliced thin on salads. I also bout Asparagus. I had it when I was a kid but didn't like it then. I decided to buy some fresh and sauted it with Olive Oil. I liked it too. So on foods, challenge yourself and try something you haven't had before...healthy of course!

Exercise I did the Bootcamp last week as reported in the last posting. I thought about that today when I heard them talking on The Doctors about a woman suing her personal trainer because he had her doing things beyond her limit on the first and second days. She blew out a thigh (I think) muscle. They said this can happen when you have someone who is not trained or certified properly as a trainer. I don't know if there is a bootcamp tomorrow or not--I did not recieve an e-mail this time. They probably took me off the list! ROFL! So this week's "new" thing is a short video on YouTube of Leslie Sansone. It is a quick 14 minutes but in that short time you can walk a mile with her.

You can also find a part 2 to that which is another 14-15 minutes. Do them together or split it up during the day. Just MOVE! LOL!

Tonight's dinner is fish, David get Flounder and I am having Salmon, multi grain pilaf and peas for David, Brussel Sprouts for me. So I need to go and get it started!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

20 Days

Twenty days. That is what it took for someone to point out that I had not been blogging. I purposely did not blog to see if anyone was actually paying attention. One person was. Don't be afraid to call me out on it if I do miss several days. A day here and there is ok. I do get busy with wedding orders or go out of town from time to time.
OK where do I start catching up? LOL! Food journal, I came to realise I had been placing too much emphasis on food. I was obsessing with writing it down and feeling bad if I didn't. I know now that if I just ask God what it is He wants me to eat, that I will be ok. No--He doesn't tell me cupcakes or ice cream LOL! That is ME that says that. And I have given in this month a few times to those items. But over all, I stick to foods He made and not ones that man has altered alot. I think when we went to the store Sunday that the only things we bought that was not as ok, was canned tomatoes (not too bad) Pizza (once in awhile we allow it) and David got some snack mix (which he is ordered to take to work and not leave in the house!) Oh--I forgot, canned soups that David wanted for work lunches. But mainly we had fresh (or frozen)vegetables and fruits.
Exercise....some days I have slacked, but as you know--I have shoveled some snow this month! I have started back on my swimming routine when I can get out of our street! They rarely plowed! So if it snows again, which it will...I may be stuck at home again. I have been disciplining myself on housework again too and tossing out cluuuutter...clutter, clutter clutter clutter.... (sang to the tune of Sanford and son) LOL! Love the Clutter Song by Bone Hampton. Tried finding it on You Tube but no luck! So if anyone is inclined to search, go for it! It is hilarious!
Now, something new I tried on Thursday. The Running with Purpose group at church has "bootcamp" indoors right now and so I decided to go. :-) hee hee! Anyways--It was tough. I think Mandee is tougher then Trainer Paulette was. It was good to be forced out of my usual zone though. BUT I have one big objection. They did NOT warm up correctly before starting sprints and the harder stuff. Warming up is extremely important and stretching only does not constitute warming up. In fact--you need to warm up BEFORE you stretch or you can damage the muscles. SO--if and only IF I go again I will go earlier and walk to warm up first. But I don't see myself going again at the moment. I have other projects in mind so check back to see what they are! *wink wink*!
Ok--I have to go, Dr Oz is on and it is my usual workout time! I like to workout while watching the Oz!
Everyone go take a walk!