Saturday, December 12, 2009


Saturday already! This morning I went to the Women's Fellowship breakfast at church. Food-wise it really wasn't too bad. I had some egg cassaroles and a small bit..about 3 bites of a homemade cinnamon roll. And black coffee. Before leaving home I ate half a banana so I wouldn't over do it. After getting home though I was munching on a gingerbread cookie and had 2 whole wheat polenta cookies. I suppose as a whole my calorie count has not been too outragous. I drank broth for lunch, had some crackers with cheese. I don't know what it is, just not too hungry. Oh--had a nice salad too. Tomorrow may be an eating day LOL! I am trying to listen to what my body says it wants. So that may mean a day where I don't eat as much and days where I do.
So not much to report here. I have not veen sleeping well the last couple weeks. Probably longer actually. Seems like since we went out of town for Thanksgiving I am "off" sleep and food wise. I am praying I can get back on track soon!

Friday, December 11, 2009

No Excuses!

No excuses. I have no excuses for not blogging. Yesterday I had some friends over for lunch. Some were from the church I used to attend, well ALL were. But all but 3 of us still go there…for now. Most are overweight and/or have health problems. I sat there listening as they asked one friend how she had lost all her weight, and then listened to their excuses as to why that wouldn’t work for them. I wanted to yell out—“What is wrong with you people?” But I didn’t. I just listened. “I’m too old” “I’m too fat”, “I’m too unhealthy”, “It’s the medication I’m on”, “It’s in my genes”, “I’m thinking of lap band surgery”, etc. I have heard them before, perhaps even used some of them. I realized how far I have come the last few months and ridiculus the excuses really are. I may not be losing a lot of weight for whatever reason, but I have not given up! I may not have lost a lot of weight but I have improved my cholesterol, my blood pressure and my blood sugar numbers. I will keep exercising, I will keep eating healthy. I am not perfect, in fact I had KFC and David’s homemade chili today. (I was proud I took most of the skin off too LOL!) And I did not add extra salt to the chili. And yesterday at the lunch I ate one cookie. (today I had a couple ginger bread though) :-O I just wish they would not give up on themselves and on life as a healthy person.

This week’s workouts:
Monday: At home strength training
Tuesday: Training at Grant with Paulette
Weds: Cleaned house
Thursday: lunch with the ladies, no exercise
Friday: Recumbant bike 30 minutes, level 6, Cross Training program. Strength training.