Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to blogging

The past two months have shown me that unless I blog---I am not accountable to myself or others in my weight loss journey. Two family reunions in a row have really wreaked havoc on my weight, plus whatever I was (or rather wasn't) doing before! I have gotten lazy again in several areas of my life. SO! I am doing this blog again! I know you are all thrilled beyond words LOL!

This morning so far--I had the last of my homemade cinnamon rolls (this was before my revelation!) And I have made a salad using millet, cucumber, tomatoes, green pepper, red onion, olive oil and vinegar. Seasoned with a dash of seasoned salt.
Weight I reallllllllly don't want to reveal but ok---244.5 This means I have gained back 10 pounds in the last month. ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!! But also I weighed myself AFTER being fully dressed so I will weigh again tomorrow while in my "jammies"

Housework--I cleaned the kitten boxes and feed them and played. Put away dishes and loaded some more into the dishwasher. Sweeping floors will be next on list.

Exercise--I walked 20 minutes and lifted my dumbbells a little. I plan on riding the recumbent exercise bike later....hold me to this readers! I see a neighbor go out each morning with her hand weights and pink exercise suit walking. I admit I feel guilty! If she can do so can I! So here are my goals this week:

1. Get up at 5:30 and spend time in Bible study
2. Aerobic exercise of some kind at least 3x this week (Can be a DVD, walking, swimming)
3. Strength training 2x this week
4. Keep up on housework--dishes, floors, cats,
5. Plan and cook healthier meals again.

Also on Weds I have to get blood work done for my Oncologist appointment. I was going to have some from my family doc but have decided to skip that for now. I will wait until next month when my eating is back to what I was doing. Don't think I want a cholesterol check just yet after all the reunions! LOL!

Been listening to Kim Hill's version of "Jesus I am resting, resting". I love this version of the song. It is a calming peaceful song and it calms me down and helps me reflect on the love of Christ. I know He is always with me!
Have a great day! God has given you another one!


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