I commented on Facebook that I should blog about this and so I shall. LOL! I really liked the show, but it is sad. Sad in the fact that it shows how little today's kids know about food and where it comes from, sad that the schools feed such crap--I thought it was bad when I was in school! And sad that parents have no clue what kids are eating. First graders did not know what tomatoes were, or that fries came from potatoes! You can look the show up on YouTube. When I was a kid I had to weed and pick vegetables so I knew what a tomato looked like! And these were NOT city kids! They lived in Huntington WVa! You'd think that parents and grandparents would have gardens there!
As for my personal journey. I have been neglecting my workouts and even good food choices lately. I have been making chocolate bunnies for David to sell and even though I have not eaten much chocolate myself....I have also not been cooking good meals! We also spent every night at the church at the drama they were putting on. It was excellent! And if "Eternity" comes to a place in your town you MUST see it!
Bt today I DID swim for an hour. Wore me out! And tomorrow we are headed to my Dad's for Easter. This will be a challenge too. I am waiting for his remarks on my weight..which is sad. I should not let his perspective of my weight and health rule my emotions. My nephew Brandon and his wife Shannon are moving into their first home too so I can get a workout that way. :-)
Everyone have a Joyous Easter!
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