Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting myself together again.

OK--here I am again after weeks of no postings. I need you to keep me accountable! LOL!
Well, I DO have good news to blog anyways! October is my "exam month". Typically I have most of my mammos, PAP tests and follow ups to the docs in October. Oh..and the dentist! LOL! My blood work was actually in September. But the great news is:
1. I still show no signs of cancer.
2. My cholesterol is down to 171
3. My A1C is at 5.8!!!!!!
4. My doctor decided she could put me on a lower dose of my blood pressure meds!

I have also lost a total of 13 pounds since the end of May!
That being said...I am going to start blogging my journals again. There will be days I can't since I will be out of town but I am making an effort to stick with it. I think I need to do this to keep on track better. I have noticed some things slipping back into my old ways and I don't want that--not after such great reports!

Lot's of hugs!!

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